Skip the hassle of

syncing systems.

Choose a smart solution for client management and marketing, and focus on exceptional coaching.

Discover how BIQCoach and the premium features of the Digital Marketing Platform can streamline your workflow, boost client engagement, and enhance your marketing. Achieve more while doing what you love.

Improve interactions, personalization, progress tracking, and client outcomes and satisfaction.

Client Management

  • Easily organize client information and maintain detailed records

  • Simplify scheduling with calendar integration

  • Track goals effectively and monitor client progress

  • Automate billing and payment processes for streamlined financial management

66% of marketers boosted their company's credibility and trust with their smart

Digital Marketing Strategies

Are you among the 53% of coaches facing challenges with lead generation and conversion?

Effective Lead Generation

ensures a steady stream of new clients and supporting growth and success.

Workflow Automation

benefits coaching businesses by streamlining tasks, enhancing efficiency, and enabling coaches to concentrate on delivering value to clients.

Automation can boost efficiency and cut costs significantly, with 50% of tasks automatable and 51% of companies using it for savings.

A 2015 Forbes and Turn study found data-driven marketing boosted profitability by six times and revenue by five times.

Understanding the effectiveness of marketing strategies and practice performance requires

Detailed Analytics

We know building a successful coaching business is challenging, so we support you with

Weekly Masterclasses

Every coach faces challenges with marketing and lead conversion. We understand how tough it is to juggle coaching with marketing, sales, and business management. You are not alone—we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Streamline your business and focus on what you do best!

Discover how we can help you streamline tasks, boost client conversion, and enhance marketing efforts, allowing you to achieve more!

Join our next free live event and get expert tips!

Get expert tips, actionable insights, and strategies to boost your practice and connect with fellow coaches—all ​done virtually. Don’t miss out on this chance to enhance your coaching skills and grow your business.